CD Musea MP 3018
Châteaux de la Loire | Mont Saint-Michel
Brocéliande | Icônes | International Press
A Secret World
Published on January 1995 by Musea, the CD Brocéliande is inspired freely by the Breton legends of King Arthur and the Round Table. It's an instrumental suite taken from the rock opera project "Merlin" in 1990.

Listen to the album on
You can discover the texts of booklet by the writer Papillon.

  1. Brocéliande Overture - 7:05
  2. Merlin the Enchanter - 2:25
  3. The Wedding of Arthur - 0:48
  4. The Battle of Avalon - 4:13
  5. Song of Viviane - 4:34
  6. The Perilous Castle - 2:20
  7. The Land under the Lake - 5:10
  8. The Round Table - 1:34
  9. Lancelot of the Lake - 2:25
  10. Galahad - 4:58
  11. The End of Legends - 8:55
  12. La Quête / The Quest - 4:55


¤ Keyboards, guitars & flute : Patrick Broguière
¤ Texts of booklet : Papillon
¤ Cover : Hervé Thibon
¤ PB's photo : Bernard Dutheil

Brocéliande Overture (Ouverture de Brocéliande)
So Merlin was born, who was called also the Enchanter. Son of devil but serving the humans, young and beautiful either greybeard cheerful, each one was perceiving his differently. He was being everywhere in the world, from two Brittany of north of Andes. But his home was in Brocéliande.

Merlin the Enchanter (Merlin l'Enchanteur)
From foaming watersides of greatest summits, Merlin was looking for the one who would find the Perilous Castle and would survey the Cup of Wisdom, the Grail lost that would cure the order of the world.

The Wedding of Arthur (Le Mariage d'Arthur)
And Arthur wedded Guenièvre... Son of Uther Pendragon, educated by Merlin, he was able to become the Best Knight, the one who would get over all the stages that lead to Grail.

The Battle of Avalon (La Bataille d'Avalon)
From battles of victory, Arthur was running his country to glory and peace, by means of Merlin and Excalibur. He was a eminent king and centuries kept memory of him. But he couldn't lead two Quest at the same time and Merlin looked for another Knight, worthy of the Adventure.

Song of Viviane (Chanson de Viviane)
In the middle of Brocéliande, Viviane was sleeping. Merlin stayed for a long time watching her, guessing whose magnificent woman she would become. And when she woke, he knew they would be in love, for their bliss and for their evil.

The Perilous Castle (Le Château Aventureux)
The young Perceval, educated by Merlin, reached the Perilous Castle at last. His purity would have must lead him to the Grail, but his naïvety prevented him from discovering the Cup of Wisdom.

The Land under the Lake (Le Pays sous le Lac)
Under the Brocéliande lake, Merlin called into being a fairyland for Viviane, a dwelling of beauty and joy, a place as no one had never seen any. For her sake, he though of prodigies and give her them. In this domain, she educated Lancelot.

The Round Table (La Table Ronde)
Around the Round Table, aroused by Merlin, the most brave knights came to relate their fabulous adventures to King Arthur. Grown to maturity, Lancelot take a place in it and became in love with the queen.

Lancelot of the Lake (Lancelot du Lac)
Guided by Merlin and Viviane, Lancelot crossed the gates of the Perilous Castle. But his love for Guenièvre was the highest, he couldn't reach the Grail. His son, Galahad, was commended to Brocéliande's care by Merlin, so, following the example of trees, he grew up and got ahead to the light.

Galahad (Galaad)
As a silver arrow, Galahad covered the world; he got over the obstacles, he stood up to the spells and came out victorious of all the trials. Child of Lancelot and Brocéliande, without shuddering he entered the Perilous Castle and headed for the Grail. And when he lifted the veil and surveyed the Cup, the time stopped...

The End of Legends (La Fin des Légendes)
Arthur lay under the Crown of Stonehenge. Perceval continued his own Quest through the world. Lancelot and Guenièvre, linked forever by the Legend, inspire lyric poets and musicians. And Merlin, the Enchanter, leave the kingdom of humans and meet Viviane the Magician, under the Brocéliande Lake.

The Quest (La Quête)
The way that lead to Grail open in each one as a vale
And everyone has his Grail to find, and everyone has his Quest to lead.
It's a date with oneself that haven't to miss
And back witch we have to come winner.
The Quest it's what is in us.