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A Secret World
Born in 1966 in the suburbs of Paris, she has emigrated recently to a godforsaken place in the country. Author of two novels and occasionally translator (from English and Spanish), her principal activity stand far from the writing : she his stage manager and lighting designer.

Her encounter with Patrick Broguière in 1990, for the writing to the rock opera "Merlin" (which gave form to the instrumental disc "Brocéliande" afterwards) stand out a turning point in her life : she discover with him the joys of writing in harmony with music. And even if since they haven't repeated the experience yet, they have other plans in common in their drawers.

Her name "Papillon" is meaning "butterfly" in the French language...


Eclipse 1992 (pen name : Marie-Posa) - J'ai Lu ed. n°3189 / Paris

Les Mains Vides 1995 (The Empty Hands) - unpublished